A Note From Cyndi (currentlly in Raja Ampat, Indonesia)

June 18, 2023

Sorry for the slow-down on the posts lately, particularly since we know a few people are anxious to hear about Indonesia.

Aside from spending three weeks in a city called Tual (mostly due to the “fascinating” new adventure of contracting Covid), we’ve been moving at a pretty intense pace. This hasn’t left us much time for working on the blog.

We’re hoping to slow down a bit now that we’ve reached Raja Ampat, but as always our movements are dictated by weather, the need to re-provision, and the necessity of keeping current with our visa renewals. (And, oh yeah, the availability of internet.)

Rich and I both intend to start doing Indonesia posts, but I’ll also be writing about our time in Australia leading up to Indonesia (and then eventually picking up where I left off previously in the blog).

In the meantime, here’s our thoughts about Indonesia so far. It’s exotic, mysterious, and has so much natural beauty, but it’s also a third world country and some aspects can be frustrating, exasperating, or unpleasantly challenging. We’ve visited three cities so far (Saumlaki, Tual, and Sorong), and each of them has been an endurance trial in their own way.

On the other hand, when we get out cruising in Indonesia’s natural world, we’ve experienced beauty that is nothing short of astonishing. We’ve barely scratched the surface of seeing this country, yet already we’ve been to a few spots that will definitely go in the “most beautiful places we’ve ever seen” list, and perhaps even on the top of that list.

We haven’t been here all that long, but already we have so many experiences to share (and as anyone who reads this blog knows, we share the good, the bad, and the ugly). Rich has already done a couple of posts, but I’d like to get a bit more of Australia done before I start posting about Indonesia. I promise it won’t be long. –Cyndi

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