You Don’t See That Every Day (Maitai Bay, New Zealand)

December 2013

While we were admiring the second bight of Maitai Bay, we were surprised to see some sort of animal ambling along that looked like a pig.  Sure enough, it was a pig. We’ve seen pigs on the beach in the tropics, but this was our first beachgoing pig in New Zealand.  And it’s such an unusual-looking pig.  And so handsome that I thought I’d honor him (her?) with its own post. -Cyndi

Is this the best pigpen ever?!
Is this the best pigpen ever?!
"Let's see... there must be truffles here somewhere."
“Let’s see… there must be truffles here somewhere.”
Beach baby, beach baby There on the sand...
Beach baby, beach baby
There on the sand…
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