Yep, We’re Still Alive

March 18, 2024

Apologies for the update hiatus—we’ve been off exploring the more wildernessy parts of Indonesia far from internet access. (Can you really call it being “alive” if you don’t have internet?)

This is the first we’ve had access since leaving Banda. Here’s what this part of our cruise has looked like…

The yellow line is what we’ve done and the blue is what we’re about to do.

Misool was absolutely amazing! Just wait ’till you see the photos and videos we hope to post soon.

Right now, we’re heading to Lembeh Island where we have to be by the end of March for our flight to Kuala Lumpur to renew our visas. We need to leave Indonesia to renew our Indonesian visas. That makes sense, right? We have to leave the county every six months. Aaargh!

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