The Tata Islands: Motoring Around Ngawhiti Island (Golden Bay, New Zealand)

April 20, 2016

We headed over in the dinghy to explore the little islands, starting with Ngawhiti Island. What seemed like a nondescript little hump of land from the afar became, up close, a wonderland of rock formations, pancake rocks, pools, and wildlife. Come to find out there are 12 local species of shags (aka cormorants) in New Zealand, several of which like to hang out in this area. Especially in the Tata Islands, it seems, as they and their nests seemed to fill every nook and cranny of the steep rock walls. Our favorite were the spotted shags with their green faces and bad-hair-day tufts on their heads.

A young man on a paddle board happened by and told us to be sure to check out the other island. We definitely planned to do that. This experience was a good reminder not to judge things from afar, as so often places will only reveal their magic if you’re willing to come in close. The Tata Islands are a perfect example of this. Below, a gallery of our dinghy ride around Ngawhiti Island. (Click to enlarge and scroll.) –Cyndi

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