The Hauraki Gulf: Kawau Island’s Sunny Bay (New Zealand)

December 17, 2013

For our second visit to Kawau we wanted to try a new bay in Bon Accord Harbour (the harbor we stayed in before). After finding our initial choice, Schoolhouse Bay, filled with moorings and boats, we headed to Shark Bay which has two bights. We picked the bight called Sunny Bay.

Sunny bay is at the base of a hill, covered with tall pines that towered over our boat. The water is still and green, and there’s a brown pebbly beach and a couple of unoccupied cabins onshore. There’s also a lot of bird life: swallows dart around the bay, gannets and gulls dive for fish in the main harbor, and lots of bird calls can be heard from shore. Kawau Island is one of those places where there’s a strong life force that gives it a magical air. –Cyndi

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