
October 4, 2013 in Savusavu, Fiji

Sometimes the vegetarian pizza from the place across the street is just cheese with a few pieces of pineapple. Sometimes it has every vegetable imaginable. Sometimes it even has some kind of worcestershire/barbeque sauce like tonight. The only consistent thing is its inconsistency… that and it always tastes great!

We could show you one of ours but yours will never look the same.
We could show ours but yours will never look the same.

Lest you forget where we are because of all of Cyndi’s New Zealand posts, here’s last night’s sunset at the Marina here in Savusavu, Fiji. We’re having a wonderful time just kicking back, doing a little boat work, waiting for a new outboard motor, reading and relaxing.


Savusavu Sunset
Savusavu Sunset
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