Sea Snakes and Blue Starfish (Tapana Island, Vava’u, Tonga)

October 15, 2012

We saw some neat sea life on our low tide walk around Tapana Island, including some blue starfish and a sea snake. Sea snakes are extremely venomous, but they are very shy and have small mouths, so it’s almost impossible to get bitten. (Although almost-impossible does not mean impossible so we give them a wide berth). -Cyndi

A blue starfish in the low tide over the coral shelf at Tapana Island.
A blue starfish in the low tide over the coral shelf at Tapana Island.
A blue starfish waiting for the tide to come back in.
A blue starfish waiting for the tide to come back in.
All these shells have hermit crabs in them!
All these shells have hermit crabs in them!
Cowry shells inside a vacant shell hiding place.
Cowry shells inside a vacant shell hiding place.
A sea snake more frightened of us than we are of it.
A sea snake more frightened of us than we are of it.
A blue starfish on Tapana Island.
A blue starfish on Tapana Island.

Mr. Sea Snake caught on video…

Sea Snake Video

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