Rock n’ Roll Is Here to Stay

July 4, 2014… We’re still rockin’ and rollin’ in the Ha’apai group. We got a break last night with our first calm anchorage, but we’re back at it today as the wind backs around following a frontal passage. We’ve seen some whales in the distance, but none up close. It’s probably still a little too early in the season. Cyndi has spotted all that we’ve seen. From now on, she is to be known not as Cyndi, but as Ms. Whale Spotter. Tomorrow, we’re off to the next group of Tonga islands – Vava’u. After a few stops, we hope to be tucked safely away in Neiafu early next week when a low pressure system is scheduled to arrive. In spite of the challenges here in the Ha’apai, we’re having a good time. -Rich

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