Picton, South Island, New Zealand

March 15, 2016

We’re here! It took us two years*, but we finally made it.

Here’s where we are, and how we got here… (zoom and pan on this interactive Google map)


And this is what we’ve seen so far… (click on a picture for a larger version)

*We tried to get to the South Island last year but El Nino said “no way!” The strong southerlies caused us to go to Australia instead. This season, we thought we might come directly here from Fiji, but again, the weather wasn’t going to give that to us. Instead, we started this season in Opua (Bay if Islands) and during the past three months or so, worked our way here down New Zealand’s East Coast.

We’ll stay in this area until it’s time to head back up to the tropics in May (or so, weather permitting, as always).

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