Our Fans

June 3, 2012 at sea on our way to Fiji.

What? We have fans! Several small electric ones mounted around the cabin that we use when it gets warm.

Guess what? It got warm today. (Comfortably warm – you have a little while yet before you have to read my complaints about the oppressive heat.) I went to the cockpit early this morning to start the day’s boat projects (monitor windvane repair, refrigeration repair, and commission the watermaker and fill the tanks) and the air had a different feeling. It was that feeling I remember from the tropics when we’d sit in the cockpit each morning with our coffee and watch the sun come up. I’m really looking forward to that again.

Anyway, I worked up a sweat on the projects and when I came in, I shocked Cyndi by turning on one of the fans. It felt good to be warm again. -Rich

P.S. Boat work details… a circlip came off on the monitor windvane (the thing that steers the boat by the wind). We have lots of spare parts for it, including the bearing I dropped into thousands of feet of water during the repair. The water pump that cools the refrigeration compressor quit for some unknown reason. I made it work again by basically just messing with it. I don’t have a lot of confidence in it any longer but we do have two spare ones aboard. It’s a moderate task to replace so we’ll hope this one holds up until we make landfall.

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