New Boat Stuff

April 29, 2015

I can’t believe how excited I get over a new piece of gear for Legacy. The latest thrill is over our new refrigeration. If it were a new refrigerator for our house, I’d feel nothing but resentment over having to spend the money for a new one (it should have lasted another ten years, sheesh!).


But this isn’t for a house. It’s for our boat. It should allow us to keep stuff cold and fresh for years to come and for about half the energy our old one used – and with no problems or issues until it’s old enough to be replaced by even more advanced technology (cold fusion refrigeration, maybe? ;-).

I want to stay up all night and watch it cycle on and off.

I say over and over to Cyndi, “Can you hear it? Is it running?” I can’t hear it. It’s so quiet!”

I set up a spreadsheet so I can see just how energy efficient it is.

I order accessories for it to soup it up, like it was my first car!

Oh, the boating life! -Rich

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