Motoring Around the Islands of Vava’u

October 17, 2012

After three nights at anchorage #11, we wanted to go to one more anchorage before heading back to Neiafu. We had several possibilities/recommendations and decided to just go out and explore. Luckily, the wind was down to about 11 knots and from behind us; so we were comfortable motoring around.

Our first stop was close by, an island just south of Tapana Island called Taunga Island with a little semi-attached island called Pau. This was a popular place, and our friend Linda raved about the neon bright turquoise water by Pau. We motored carefully into the anchorage, picking our way through suspicious-looking dark areas and coral heads to get a good look at the blue water and beaches. It was beautiful, but after motoring in for a good half hour and taking pictures, we felt as though we had seen it and could head on to the next anchorage on our list. This was to become the theme of our day as we repeated the process again and again at other islands, finally ending up back in Port Maurelle. -Cyndi

Here are our favorite pictures of Taunga and Pau.

Taunga Island (Vava’u, Tonga)
Taunga Island (Vava’u, Tonga)
The Sand Spit between Taunga and Pau Islands. (Vava’u, Tonga)
The Sand Spit between Taunga and Pau Islands. (Vava’u, Tonga)
Approaching Pau Island (Leke Leke in the distance).
Approaching Pau Island (Leke Leke in the distance).
Pau Island with Leke Leke. (Vavau’, Tonga)
Pau Island with Leke Leke. (Vavau’, Tonga)
The Beach on Pau Island. (Vava’u, Tonga)
The Beach on Pau Island. (Vava’u, Tonga)
Close up of the Sand Spit between Taunga and Pau Islands. (Vava’u, Tonga).
Close up of the Sand Spit between Taunga and Pau Islands. (Vava’u, Tonga).
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