Lawyers Needed: New Zealand

March 14, 2014

As evidenced by this incredibly dangerous (and fun) theme park on New Zealand’s Coromandel Peninsula called The Waterworks.

Cyndi had scrapes and bruises at the end of the day.  I didn’t – I held the camera!  We both had a ton of fun.  This place is great!  We could never have this in the states.  I’m sure that last scene would have produced a 10 million dollar judgement against the park.

Our visit to The Waterworks was at the end of our three day road-trip to the Coromandel. We’re back now, sitting on the boat at the marina as the remains of tropical cyclone Lusi hit us.  So far, we’ve seen a gust to 49 knots.  Wow, it’s good to be tied up in a slip for this! -Rich

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