Ile Casy, New Caledonia

June 7, 2015

We ended our last cruise around New Caledonia at a little island called Ile Casy in Baie du Prony. Wow. See for yourself.

Easy: there is one mooring at the north end of the island in a bay that seems magically out of any wind. There are a bunch of moorings on the west side of the island if that one is full.

Great Activities: The walks around the island are beautiful, with stunning views and beautiful, secluded beaches.

Secure: There’s a wonderful dog that seems to serve as guide and park ranger. He escorted us all over the island on our walks. If we’d stop for too long, he’d come back to check on us and show us the way. We paid him in chow. Cyndi cooked up three chicken breasts for him the first night. The second night, he got the big package of ham we’d failed to eat while out. This was supplemented with cat treats. We don’t know his name but we called him Brownie.

Most people just stop in Baie du Prony on the way in or out of Noumea but it’s really worth more than that. It’s a magical place. -Rich


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