Don’t go in the water!

January 15, 2015

This guy is actually from South Africa in a story here about a teen killed in Western Australia.
This guy is actually from South Africa. The picture was in a story here about a teen killed in Western Australia.









Here’s an email from my friend Tom…

A 5 meter long 1.7 ton great white shark has been hanging around the beach off Newcastle Australia, 100 miles north of Sydney.

Here’s my response…

Don’t worry… I’m way too afraid of all the deadly stuff that lives in the water here to go near it: Portuguese man-o-war, Irukandji jellyfish, box jellies, bull sharks and more. I’m so afraid of the water here I won’t even drink it – I’ll stick with rum, thank you! (And not that crappy Bundaberg stuff.) I am going to have to figure out something for bathing, and soon 😉

But seriously now folks, there has been a monster great white hanging around the coast. Here’s a link to the story.

Attention Boaties: I will always wear gloves when cleaning my raw-water strainers. I got stung on my hands in Fiji by some rather benign jellyfish pieces. It could be much worse with what they have in the water here. –Rich

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