Distance Perception Problem

February 15, 2014 (but it could be any day)

We pulled in to Coralie Bay on New Zealand’s Great Mercury Island this afternoon and anchored.  I had my usual problem: I felt like I was too close to the boat that was already here, while my instruments said I was just fine.

The boat I thought I was probably too close to.
The boat I thought I was probably too close to.

I really have trouble judging distance from the deck of our boat so I use our chartplotter and (incredible) Simrad 4G radar to measure distances when anchoring.

The cursor on the radar return of the nearby boat and the distance readout in the lower left corner of the screen.
The cursor on the radar return of the nearby boat and the distance readout in the lower left corner of the screen.

The electronics said I was 267 feet away.  Wow, it didn’t look it.  It got me curious: How many Legacys would fit between us?

Six Legacys
Six Legacys Distance Between Us

The answer, by my less than scientific photoshop method, on a photo taken from the incredible beach surrounding us, is six.  Let’s see… 6 x 38… round off to 40… equals 240 feet.  Enough room.  Why can’t I calibrate my eyeballs to make more accurate measurements? -Rich

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