Cruisin’ and Boozin’ (Northland, New Zealand)

January 19, 2013

Tom commented on all the pictures of me sitting at a table with two beers. There’s a reasonable explanation: Cyndi gets up to take the pictures. One of those beers is hers, honest.

Two hands... why not too beers?
Two hands… why not too beers?

But there’s also a more interesting, related point. Cruising goes well with alcohol, at least for us. I used to think that alcohol went best with down or troubled times but for us, it goes really well with happy times too. It just feels good to have a beer with lunch (every lunch) and a bottle of wine in the evening (every evening). Sometimes we find that we’ve had alcohol so many days in a row that we understand completely where the concept of the AFD comes from.

AFD is a term we started hearing towards the end of our cruise – It stands for Alcohol Free Day. We strive to have one now and then. Sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail, I shocked the assembled dinner crowd a few days ago by talking about an AFW (alcohol free week). A hush fell over the table as if everyone was contemplating the possibility of such a feat. Then the denial. “You don’t drink that much, do you?” Was she really asking herself if she needed an AFW?

I haven’t accomplished an AFW, at least since French Polynesia and I’m not sure I can, but it’s something to strive for. Since the Somali pirates have robbed me of the goal of sailing around the world, maybe I can replace it with the even loftier ambition of the AFW.

(Seriously, don’t worry about us. I don’t really think we’re in need of a 12 step program yet. But then, what is it they say about denial. If you seeeee meee starrt to slur my words here, intervene!) -Rich

Update… 1:20 pm

An AFD is looking pretty good as we had water with our fish and chips for lunch.  By the way, did you know that New Zealanders consume more fish and chips per capita than those in the UK?  That’s what we were told anyway.

Water, not beer for lunch, at least today.
Water, not beer for lunch, at least today.

Update… 4:20 pm

OK, the chances of an AFD are looking pretty grim.  We stopped at Cottle Hill Winery on the way home from fish and chips and stocked up on our favorites: grappa, white port, brandy (golden grappa) and wine.  For now they’re unopened.

Odds of an AFD are dropping.
Odds of an AFD are dropping.
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