A Quick Look Around (Opua, Bay of Islands, New Zealand)

December 7, 2012

Opua, New Zealand is beautiful. It looks a lot like Maine–a very green and lush version of Maine with hillside-type, woody homes and hundreds of boats sprinkled about.

We thought when we lived in Southern California we were living in the boating capitol of the United States; then we saw Annapolis and realized we were wrong.  Now we see just a glimpse of New Zealand and realize we used to live in boating backwaters.  I think everyone here, even a few of the sheep, owns a boat.

Legacy in her new home in Opua Marina (at least for the next two weeks).

Nearby we had a market with the type of produce we haven’t seen in months!

I never knew I could get so excited about broccoli…
So excited about produce in general.

And even a store with boating supplies!

And wow, a real marine store – a great marine store!

All this and only a few minutes by foot from our boat. I’m in heaven, despite the arctic temperatures (down to nearly 70 during the day!).

Below, a quick glimpse of the town of Paihia, about an hour walk from our marina or ten minutes by car. It’s a really pretty little town. We are definitely back in the first world. -Rich

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