A Day at Goldsmith Island (Smith Islands National Park, Cumberland Islands, Queensland, Australia)

Posted January 20, 2024, about September 20, 2022

The afternoon heat was peaking, and the water was calling to us. Yet, with these islands lying near shark territory, we weren’t keen on risking a swim off the boat, particularly as we noticed no one else was in the water. What we were willing to do was go bask in the water near the shore.

Taking the dinghy ashore, we discovered the pristine-looking beach had surprisingly coarse and rubble-strewn sand, a bit tough on bare feet. Beneath the water, numerous rocky patches dotted the area, but we managed to find sandy spots on which to sit. We settled in, the water rising to our chests, and simply relaxed.

One of my favorite things in life is to swim freely off our boat, diving straight down into the warm tropical water, then allowing myself to naturally float back up to the surface amid the rising bubbles. But I will never turn my nose up at simply sitting in an ocean/stream/lake or pool, taking in the scenery and enjoying the water’s cool, refreshing effect. For the most part, this was how we interacted with the ocean in Queensland, and for me that was perfectly satisfying. Below, photos from our trip ashore.

After a time, now cool and comfortable, we headed back to the boat for showers and to unwind relax below decks until the sun went low in the sky. We then made our way up to the cockpit to watch the evening unfold.

Right away, I marveled at how wonderful the breeze felt. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a breeze that felt nicer than this one! I looked around and admired the scenery, awash in the golden light of the approaching sunset. Neighboring boats, floating serenely in the bay’s calm waters, completed this evening scene. For a moment, I felt this was about as nice a place as I’ve ever been. It was a fleeting feeling, but I could certainly call this one of my nicest moments.

We went below, and I prepped and seasoned a couple of beef filets for Rich to grill outside while I cooked green beans and new potatoes to go with them. It made for a wonderful dinner. One of the benefits of cruising  a first world country is the availability of food we know and love: grass-fed beef, free-range chicken breasts, fresh plump seafood, quality bakery bread, artisanal olive oils, and tables laden with beautiful produce. After years of cruising in all sorts of places, shopping amidst such abundance is something I will never take for granted.

Overnight, some swell found its way into the anchorage, causing a gentle roll. It wasn’t too bad, and Rich appeared to be sleeping soundly through the movement. Not so much, though, as I would learn the following day.


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