Rum-Induced Thoughts

May 2, 2015

Last night, while drinking rum, I had these thoughts.

What kind of boat can I make due with? For me, it seems to be age dependent. When I was 24, a $20,000 boat was plenty of luxury (none, actually). At 40, we bought Legacy for just under $80K. Now I’m thinking about boats that are $300K plus as a minimum level of comfort and convenience. It’s not that I have more money now and can afford more, it’s just that I’m less willing to suffer and make due.


At this rate, if I want a different boat at 65, I’d better learn to rob banks!

Related: the size I feel I need is going up – not exponentially like the boat cost, but rather a kind of steep line.


I’m not saying this is true for everyone – just me (and maybe there are one or two others out there that feel the same way). There are certainly people who don’t feel this way. We had a friend – and older guy – who was perfectly happy cruising in a 30 foot boat. When he started to share that space with his five foot tall girlfriend, he moved up to a 35 foot boat!

I guess a conclusion I’d draw from this (and one that’s too late for me) is cruise while you’re young. You are able to put up with more crap! -Rich