Man O’ War

February 9, 2014

We spent yesterday and last night anchored in Man O’ War Bay on Waiheke Island…

Perfect Afternoon
Perfect Afternoon

Why yes, you’re right.  There is a winery by that name, and it’s right here!  We’ve visited the winery three times by car.  This the first time we’ve had our boat anchored off the beach (Yea, no designated driver!).  What a special place this is.


The bay is beautiful…


the wine is incredible…


great food…

Notice the wine glass in the pitcher's hand!
Notice the wine glass in the pitcher’s hand! (Ah, sorry, bowler… before I came to NZ, I thought a cricket was in the Gryllus genus and made chirping sounds.)

…and the atmosphere just can’t be beat.

There’s a big lawn in front of the winery where people gather, taste wine and play all kinds of outdoor games.  It’s so very festive – just a perfect place to spend an afternoon. -Rich

Why So Many Posts?

February 6, 2014

‘Cause we’re stuck on the boat for a blow (and because we have at least marginal internet access).


We’re tucked in to a nice bay on Ponui Island that is giving us pretty good protection from the east wind.  The wind could keep up for a few days.  Oh well, it’s a nice place to hang out. -Rich

Photogenic New Zealand

February 6, 2014

New Zealand is gorgeous!  Photos taken of New Zealand are gorgeous!  On most days, there are big, beautiful clouds floating by (or today, whizzing by).  Big clouds make for dramatic lighting.  Take yesterday for example…

Dramatic Clouds
Dramatic Clouds

Where’s Our Boat?

February 6, 2014

We used to play “where’s our house” when we’d hike in the local mountains.  Inevitably, we’d get to a good overlook and  start the game.  I was always tempted to paint some kind of bright design on our roof to make it easier.  Now we play “where’s Legacy?”

Our mast just visible with it's two blue stripes.
Our mast just visible with its two blue stripes.

And the game is easier with our two blue stripes.  Above is the view yesterday from Motutapu with our mast just sticking out above the trees.

Someone asked us once if we were from Ventura.  Apparently, a rigger there, who I think was named Bob Buoy, used to paint distinct stripes on client’s masts. He called them Buoy Bars.  We came up with the idea through convergent evolution and it’s been very handy, not just for our game.  We can tell people, “just look for the two blue stripes at the top of our mast.”

Here’s a closer picture and some more reasons for the stipes. -Rich