March 13, 2013
One of the more challenging aspects of cruising is dealing with weather windows. When a windy period is coming, it’s not just finding a secure anchorage that’s the issue. It’s finding a secure anchorage where you don’t mind being pinned down for a few days, or a week (or even indefinitely). That’s the challenge. That, and what you might have to skip en route to that chosen anchorage.
In this case, we had a period of winds coming and could only feel comfortable spending one more night in the area before heading back to the Bay of Islands. This meant that of the three anchorages we had planned to visit outside Whangaroa Harbour, we could choose only one. After exiting Whangaroa Harbour, we motored down to take a good look at one of our choices, Whangaihe Bay on the mainland coast just south of Whangaroa.
The bay was beautiful, rugged with pine forest and dark water, yet it also had an area of grassy hills. Stretching out from the south headland were the rocks known as the Chain of Islands, including Frenchman Rock with its tunnels and caves. It was really nice, but after having a good look, we decided to head on back to the anchorage we had to abandon before going to Whangaroa: Waiti Bay at Motukawanui Island in the Cavalli Islands. It was a tough choice.
While we didn’t get to put our anchor down in this lovely bay, I think it was special enough to warrant its own post. Maybe someday we’ll get another chance to stay there, but I’m glad we at least got a quick visit. –Cyndi