June 13, 2013
We arrived in Fiji after a mixed passage. Some of it was rough, the kind of passage that makes you wonder why you keep subjecting yourself to this crap, and some of it the kind of dream sailing that makes you feel like one of those odd ducks who “prefers the passages.” We finished the passage with good conditions as we motored up to a mooring at the Waitui “marina,” one of two “marinas” here. Really these are not so much marinas as a large area of moorings between a small island right offshore and the main island, in basically a large river, with a few slips next to the marina offices. I estimate there are about 60 boats moored here.
Savusavu is beautiful, with lots of lush tropical vegetation covering the hilly terrain behind the town. The town is small but bustling, with two small supermarkets, numerous eateries, plenty of car and foot traffic, bakeries, shops, etc. The prices, compared to New Zealand and French Polynesia, are low, the people are warm and friendly, and the food is terrific. I’ll have lots to more to write, probably as I’m sitting somewhere back in New Zealand, but for now I will say we’re in a good place. –Cyndi