To Sua Ocean Trench, Western Samoa

September 11, 2012

The highlight of the day, and of our trip to Samoa, was the To Sua Ocean Trench. We had seen beautiful beaches and waterfalls, but these are things you can see all over the world. I have never seen anything like this sinkhole/grotto! What made it even better was being able to swim in it! It actually has an opening to the ocean at the base of a cave; so it is salt water and a very pleasant temperature. To be able to cool off and swim for an hour or so after the heat of Apia was heaven.

Rich has already done a post of the To Sua Trench, but I’m adding my own post here, with my own favorite pictures in proper chronological order. Next, I’d better get to work on alphabetizing and arranging our books by color, size, font, paper type and subject (or whatever Rich said it is I do). -Cyndi

The smaller sinkhole.
The larger sunken waterhole.
The cave leading to the smaller sinkhole.
The opening to the ocean at the base of the south cave. (No, we didn’t have the nerve to swim through it but some people do).
Emerald-colored water.
In some light the water seem to take on a silvery quality.
Cyndi on the swim platform.
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