There’s nothing it can’t do!

February 27, 2023

Are you tired of my songs of praise to ChatGPT yet? No, OK…

We keep our boat maintenance data in a spreadsheet. I note the dates and places we fill our propane tank (LPG). Usually, I just search for “propane” and look for the latest date, but what fun is that!?

This time, I copied the data from the spreadsheet, pasted it in a ChatGPT window and asked it: when was the last time I filled the tank. After a little refining, I got this:

Based on the provided CSV data, these are the dates when the propane tank was filled:

    • 02/18/21
    • 07/05/21
    • 10/17/21
    • 12/20/21
    • 09/18/22
    • 02/28/23

The intervals between these dates, calculated in days, are as follows:

    • 136 days between 02/18/21 and 07/05/21
    • 104 days between 07/05/21 and 10/17/21
    • 64 days between 10/17/21 and 12/20/21
    • 144 days between 12/20/21 and 05/13/22
    • 128 days between 05/13/22 and 09/18/22
    • 163 days between 09/18/22 and 02/28/23

That only took thirty minutes to do, compared  to the usual three minutes! I don’t care. I still love this thing!


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