Sorry for the Lack of Posts These Days

October 8, 2022

For anyone who reads our blog you may have noticed we’re rather slow on the posts lately. A few people have gotten in touch to see how we’re doing, and I have to say we’re fine. Australia, on the other hand, desperately needs help with its phone service and internet; so please send phone service technicians if you know any.

We’veĀ  just finished cruising the Whitsunday Islands where we’ve been lucky to get glimpses of internet as we go from one bay to another. I use this precious time to get Wordle and quickly check Facebook while Rich deals with emails. The few days we’ve spent in marinas have been devoted to restocking, boat maintenance, laundry, and making plans for the next outing. Not surprisingly this busy time combined with lack of internet when we do have downtime has not been conducive for doing blog posts.

At this moment we’re motor-sailing past the town of Bowen (Australia). The internet has popped up again; so I’m posting this note. As we continue north we should be near cities (and doing blog posts) more often. I’m planning to be “current” for awhile and start doing posts about our time in Australia so far. We should be in Townsville in day or so and intend to spend at least a week there, getting us out of frantic-rush mode and giving us more time to get things done. –Cyndi



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