Someone Woke the Monster

March 8, 2016

OK, you know who you are. Come clean. Who woke the monster? Don’t play all innocent with us… you know what monster… the roaring forties weather monster!

This wasn’t in the forecast when we left Napier for the Marlborough Sounds, then it was, but we thought we could beat it. Nope. Not with the 20 miles we lost yesterday to adverse current. It was looking like we’d end up right in the middle of this as we crossed the notoriously rough Cook Straight.

We did what all cowardly sailors like ourselves do at times like these: ducked in to a safe harbor for coffee and pizza!

We’re now anchored off Somas Island in Wellington Harbor. We got in at midnight! We have already arranged a spot in the marina right in the heart of this incredible city. We’ll move in an hour or two – after a leisurely breakfast and MORE COFFEE!

It looks like the next good window for crossing to the South Island is either tomorrow or a week from now. Tomorrow doesn’t give us time for enough pizza and Wellington’s famous coffee. Guess which weather window we’ll choose. -Rich

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