August 04 – 21, 2013
We spent these two-and-a-half weeks in Savusavu mostly regrouping, deciding where to go next, and eating very well. We did have one surprise big project: getting our propane tank filled. This ordeal took a few days to resolve. (Post Here)
We also visited the Scariest Resort Ever! We blogged about it at the time, but I’ve just amended that post as there’s even more to the story. (Here)
One of the highlights of our time here was ending up at the Friday night show at the Copra Shed’s bar. It’s a Fijian cultural dance show performed by some of the local kids, and somehow Rich and I hadn’t run across one of these yet. The bar was packed, and there was a very festive atmosphere.
A young woman came out and gave an introduction to the show with an explanation of the Fijian identity, that they are “mixed salad,” a mix of Melanesian, Polynesian, Indian, and European. What a great self-description!
The show was terrific, and at the end the kids pulled some individuals out of the audience to do some Fijian dancing; then finished with an all-out dance to the song “Gangnam Style.” Very fun! –Cyndi