September 19, 2013 in Bay of Islands, Vanua Balavu, Fiji
On our first cruise to Hawaii 15 years ago, we started out with our refrigerator set very cold and running as a freezer. We loaded up with frozen foods. About half way there, we couldn’t keep up with the energy demands and turned the temperature up to refrigerator land. We ate like crazy to use up all the frozen food and we’ve been running it as a refrigerator ever since.
On or first outings in Fiji, we only bought enough chicken and steak to last as long as it would keep without being frozen. We ran out quickly. On our trip to Fulaga, we decided to try a compromise. I turned the temperature down so that stuff in the bottom might stay frozen. It’s working great! We are using 50% more electricity this way but we can keep up. We bought a bunch of frozen meat and it’s staying frozen! Not only that…

We caught a couple of mahi mahi on the way to Vanua Balavu – normally too much for us to eat by it’s expiration date – and it froze!

We’re slicing the frozen blocks into “steaks” and it’s been wonderful. We’ve been eating mahi meals sometimes twice a day. Fish and eggs for breakfast, wasabi mayonnaise fish, fish herdez, grilled fish, fish pancakes 😉 and more. Also, it’s always seemed to us that the way to guarantee that we catch fish is to have chicken and steak on board that we need to eat. It worked again. -Rich