Paihia Park (Bay of Islands, New Zealand)

(December 6, 2012 – March 5, 2013)

I’ve labeled this post Paihia Park, but actually only two of the pictures are from the park area.  The third is a view shot from a house for sale in the area.  Some friends mentioned that they had looked at real estate here, and from that offhand remark our new hobby was born: looking at houses for them!  We enjoyed checking out a few properties for sale, for them of course!  I suppose there was a little “what if” for us, but we will be staying with cruising awhile longer.  Still, it’s fun to just look and see . . . dangerous, but fun. -Cyndi

The view from the house we picked out for "our friends!"
The view from the house we picked out for “our friends!”
The park in town.
The park in town.
A beautiful, old church just down from the park.
A beautiful, old church just down from the park.
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