Departure Day! (Redondo Beach, California)

April 29, 2012

We did it! We left the dock! Sunday afternoon about 1:00 we got away. It was quite an event for us. I’ve never seen Cyndi with a bigger smile and mine was ear to ear as well. The harbor patrol and life guards gave us send off at the harbor entrance with the siren blaring and the fire hose streaming water. Then it all fell apart. We got all of our bad luck out of the way in the first 3 minutes of our cruise.

I pushed the throttle levers up to leave the harbor and the engine started to slow down. There we were with the prospect of having no power while heading for the jetty. I’d changed the fuel filters the day before and I guess I didn’t get all the air out of the system. I flicked on the auxiliary fuel pump and the engine powered back up.

Then I went take down the little video camera I’d had set up to record our departure. It was stuck. I got it unstuck just as the boom swung over and hit me in the back of the head. Not too hard. I’m still alive.

OK, now all the problems were behind us. I pointed us to the point and set the electronic autopilot. All appeared to be working. Seconds later, the boat started a big u-turn and an error message came on the chart plotter with words to the effect that some idiot forgot to turn on the autopilot computer. Oops! That was a quick fix and all was really well from that point on.

Six hours later, we were sitting in beautiful Avalon bay on Catalina Island where we will spend the next few days. Depending on weather, and a small remaining to-do list, we should get underway for the next 2850 mile leg on Wednesday or Thursday. -Rich

Track Us!

Among the many last minute things to do is setting up this blog. Done. We are now able to send updates by email and if the computer gremlins are caught unaware, the emails will appear here as blog posts. We send email at sea via the HAM radio. It’s very slow but it works.

The other last minute feature added to the blog is a link to track our progress. See “Track Us” in the menu above. There is a link on that page that will take you to the Yotreps web site and show the position our boat, callsign KF6RIT. (For now, all that’s there is part of our 2002 Hawaii trip.) -Rich

Chronologically Challenged Couple Cruises the South Pacific

Welcome to our blog.

Welcome to our blog. Here, you’ll find stories, pictures, and hopefully, some helpful information about traveling around on a sailboat.

To some, our blog may seem chronologically challenged, but it’s really not.  You see, our resident Capricorn, Cyndi, posts everything in the exact order in which it occurred. Rich, with his short attention span, posts stuff the moment it occurs to him.  While we’re in our 12th year of this cruise, Cyndi is only up to our second year in New Zealand as well as adding in some Australia stuff from two years ago. Rich has already lost interest in last Monday. To sum it up:

Cyndi is continuing to write posts about our second season in New Zealand, but she throws in a few current-time posts, too. At the moment she’s being a bit more timely and writing about our current season starting in Australia.

Rich is writing about the here and now in Indonesia.

There’s some more information about our blog here
