Fantastic Whitehaven Beach (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted June 29, 2024
about September 23, 2022

Finishing our hike by stepping from a well-shaded forest onto what may be the brightest white beach we’ve ever seen was quite an experience!

The white sand starkly contrasted with the blue, blue water under a vast expanse of lighter blue sky—a truly remarkable sight! Despite several small tour boats anchored offshore, the beach was expansive enough not to feel crowded.

In fact, finding a secluded section of beach would probably not be difficult. I suspect the tour boats gather at the south end to offer visitors the option of walking the trail to Chance Bay, which is touted by some operators as a “secluded area.” Below is a photo gallery of our visit to Whitehaven Beach.

At the north end of Whitehaven lies an iconic sight—Hill Inlet, a shallow waterway streaked with shifting white sand bars. The beach spans about 3 ¾ miles, too far for us to walk, so our plan was to take our boat there in the coming days.

For now, this visit was all about swimming! With its clear water, white sand, bustling tour boat activity, and other people enjoying the water, this area didn’t seem like shark territory. We felt completely at ease going in over our heads, relishing the warm, pleasant water and beautiful scenery. I had a great time frolicking in the water, and I was understandably reluctant to get out.

However, we faced a trek back through the forest to Chance Bay. And we had some decisions to make about our next destination. –Cyndi

The Chance Bay Trail (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted June 27, 2024
about September 23, 2022

The Chance Bay Walk is a forest trail that connects Whitehaven Beach and Chance Bay. The walk is approximately 1.5 miles long and somewhat hilly, but it looked doable for us. Below is an approximate representation of the trail.

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After making our way across the beach, we set out on the trail. We were surrounded by bushy scrub forest as we left the beach behind, but the trees became taller, greener, and the forest cooler as we gained altitude. It was a welcome respite from the Queensland’s bright sunlight and heat.

I enjoyed the sound of our feet crunching on the leaf-strewn path and the steady rhythm of our walk, interrupted at times when I’d stop to take photos, then rush to catch up with Rich who walked ahead of me.

At one point, the forest suddenly opened up, letting in more light, and our trail became surrounded by bushy plants known as grass trees. Tufted poofs with long thin leaves lined the path, giving it a fairyland appearance. We could hear birds and the occasional rustle of critters in the underbrush. Soon, the trees closed in around us again, and we were back in the darker, cooler air. There is something so special about being surrounded by a forest; it’s like medicine for the soul.

As we neared the end of the trail, we got our first glimpse of the sand of Whitehaven. It seemed to be a fitting name as the sand was so white it appeared like a light at the end of a tunnel of trees. Below is a gallery of photos from our walk.

As we neared the tunnel’s end, we could see we were about to enter a world of white and blue. Already I could see this would be a very special beach. –Cyndi

The Beautiful Beach at Chance Bay (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted June 17, 2024 about
September 23,2022

After we’d settled in at Crano Cove, we got in our dinghy and motored over to East Chance Bay, which is likely the second most famous beach in the Whitsundays. The most famous is, of course, Whitehaven Beach, located a few kilometers away on the east side of Whitsunday Island.

There is a trail that connects these two beaches. The walk is about 1.5 miles in length, but the terrain is pretty easy. Many people choose to visit both beaches by taking this trail, which is what we planned to do.

While there were a number of boats in anchorage off the beach, we saw only a few people on the beach as we approached. Much like Turtle Bay, the water near the shore took on beautiful shades ranging from blue to blue-green.

Below are some photos taken from the dinghy in the morning and later in the afternoon when the beach had more sun, and a lot more visitors.

Upon landing, we stepped into soft sand, more light beige than white. The beach gently sloped up to the line of trees and was quite expansive. On its east side, the beach ended at the base of a long and fairly high hill that made up that headland. The west headland was a small humped hill, beyond which was another beach that wasn’t visible from this one.

The hill backing the beach was low and topped with bushy scrub forest, but its sandy base was reminiscent of sand dunes, making this beach seem even larger.

We walked along the beach, taking photos whenever the sun broke through the clouds since the morning had been overcast. It was lovely here, but we didn’t have much time to linger as we had a hike to ahead of us (the subject of the next post).

Later, when we returned from our hike, the beach was much busier as a few tour boats had arrived. They’d set up a bunch of blue shade tents, and people were scattered about on the beach and basking in the shallow water near the shore.

It wasn’t actually that crowded, but something about this reminded me of the beach scene from Jaws. I pushed that thought aside and waded into the warm water to get a few photos before we took off in the dinghy.

Overall, I’d say Chance Bay Beach was pretty exceptional, but it did lose some of its appeal when there were a lot of people about. My advice to other cruisers would be to go early in the day before the tour boats arrive. I will say, though, that even when crowded with tourists, it’s still a beautiful spot. –Cyndi

Journey to Chance Bay (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted June 16, 2024 about
September 23, 2022

The name Chance Bay, our next destination on Whitsunday Island, actually refers to a large area that contains two distinct bays. Below, a map of the entire Chance Bay area:

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The beachy eastern bay is generally what people are thinking of when talking about Chance Bay. It’s wide, with two white sand beaches separated by a small headland. A large peninsula called Theo’s Point forms the western border of this bay. Below is a drone photo of the bay.

On the other side of the peninsula is a deeply indented bay called Crano Cove. Crano Cove is technically part of Chance Bay, but it’s very different in its look and feel and generally not visited by tourists. Below is a photo of Crano Cove.

We headed off for our hour-long trip to Chance Bay. As we motored past an anchorage known as Crayfish Bay, I was disconcerted to see quite a few boats. Where did they all come from, and what were they doing there at Crayfish Bay (less of an attraction than Turtle or Chance Bay)? I worried this could be a sign that Chance Bay was crowded. Below, a photo of Crayfish Bay.

As we motored along, the scenery was attractively mountainous. It wasn’t long before we went around a rugged point (Craig’s Point), after which we were able to see the entire Chance Bay area. I was relieved to see Crano Cove, our Plan B spot, was not busy at all! Further on, though, eastern Chance Bay had a good number of boats.

We motored over to get a closer look at the eastern bay. The hills here were very low, with drier vegetation and two strikingly white beaches. And boats. Lots of boats. With that, we decided to head back to Crano Cove, away from the crowd. We could still visit the beach by dinghy.

Below are photos of our trip, starting with our approach to Craig’s Point, then seeing the Chance Bay area ahead. Crano Cove hardly had any boats, while the beach area looked busy. After going in for a closer look, we returned to Crano Cove (the final photo).

Crano Cove itself has an inviting beach, but it’s very shallow. This makes it necessary to anchor well outside of it, where the water is dark and the shore rugged and rocky. We were still inside the mountainous headland that borders Chance Bay to the west, and Theo’s Point peninsula to the east. An island southeast of Chance Bay adds some protection to the area.

Below is view of Crano Cove from the water and from above.

Rich picked a sweet spot tucked in behind a small island that was nearly attached to the shore, giving us our own little “bay” of sorts. Below, a photo of our spot . . .

Here, the scenery had a mountainous beauty, with boulders, pines, and a mountain topped by a dramatic granite peak. This looked more like Tasmania than anything I’d associate with the Barrier Reef. And while it lacked the beachy vibe of what I’ll call East Chance Bay, it was stunning. We were very happy with this spot! Below are photos of the view around our boat.

And a few more photos from above, taken with the drone . . .

After we got settled in, it was time to dinghy over to eastern bay and its beaches, which will be the subject of the next post. –Cyndi

A Day at Turtle Bay (Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia)

Posted on June 11, 2024
about September 22, 2022

What a relief to arrive at Turtle Bay and find it nearly empty! It was late in the morning, after yesterday’s boats had left and before today’s had come in. For a time, it was just us and a couple of power boats. By the end of the day, however, we had plenty of company.

There was a familiar pattern that was already becoming apparent, and that’s the tendency for boats to come and go frequently in island-filled areas like this.

It reminds me of the musical chairs game—everyone gets up and circles the chairs until the music stops, at which point everyone sits down except the person who misses out on a chair. In cruising areas like this, early evening is the equivalent of the music stopping. If the anchorage is full, those who haven’t procured a spot have to go elsewhere.

One notable exception happens in New Zealand during the Christmas holiday period, where locals tend to cheat by anchoring much too closely (the equivalent of sharing a chair). I worried the same would be true in Australia, but from what I’ve observed during our seasons here, Australians practice good boating habits and anchor properly.

We picked a nice spot and dropped the anchor. How lovely it was here. We were surrounded by lush green hills fronted by two white sand beaches, which later became three lovely beaches when another emerged at low tide.

The water under our boat was dark but clear. Near the shore, it took on beautiful hues of bright blue and green, one of the benefits that comes with clear water over white sand. To the south, the horizon was filled with the hilly islands we’d left behind.

There were some coral reefs in the area, but there was no temptation for us to snorkel—we’d wait for the Barrier Reef where we planned to dive.

Apart from the beaches, the shoreline was rocky, the vegetation a combination of leafy trees and pines. A flock of cockatoos alighted from the forest, and we could hear the jungle-soundtrack warbles of kookaburras. As always, crows were making their amusing waa-waa,-waaaaaaaaaa cries. At night, we heard a strange bird that sounded like a chicken with kookaburra gurgle. Prolific birdlife is a big part of the magic of Queensland’s Islands.

Below, a view of Turtle Bay’s shore from our boat.

We wasted no time in getting into the dinghy and heading to the beach. The water just offshore was a beautiful blue-green, in the photos below . . .

We landed on the smooth sand of the biggest beach, then took a walk along the shore. What was striking to me was the soft, dream-like quality to the look of the land, sea and shore, much like we’d seen at our previous stop, Shaw Island. Here, though, the colors in the water were more vivid.

We walked to the area of large flat rocks that divided the two beaches. The next beach was nice but was much rockier than the main beach. I walked onto it to get a few photos, then returned to the first beach, definitely the more appealing of the two.

It was time to cool off in the water, but as I’ve stated before, the waters of the Whitsundays are home to many sharks, including three man-eaters: great whites, tiger sharks, and bull sharks. There is one particular area in the Whitsundays that has been the site of numerous attacks, so now warning signs have been posted there, and everyone is warned not to go in the water at all.

In other areas, visitors are urged to stay alert and never to swim between dusk and dawn, when the sharks are feeding. Beyond that, it’s advised that people swim in clear-water areas. Swimming off an anchored boat, in darker water, is up to the individual.

In Turtle Bay, I noticed that only one person was the water amid the boats, but he had a motorized, hydroplaning surfboard he was riding on. Later in the day a family swam off their swim step, but otherwise most people did the same thing we choose to do—bask in the water just off the beach.

(Note: I’m aware many shark attacks take place in shallow water, but that’s generally near river estuaries, murky water, or water over coral reefs. I can’t claim swimming off this particular beach was risk-free, but it was a calculated risk we were willing to take.)

The water was pleasant, clear, warm yet refreshing, and simply wonderful to float in under a clear blue sky. And look at how blissed out Rich looks!

Feeling relaxed after our swim, we took a dinghy ride around a headland to the neighboring anchorage, a spot called Torres Herald Bay. It’s a small bay and shallow near shore, perfect for a power boat or shallow-draft boat.

On the way back to our boat, we took a detour to where a beach had emerged as the tide got low. And what a nice beach it was! There were a couple of visiting tour boats that must time their visits for low tide. Turtle Bay now had three beaches! Below, photos of the shore at high tide followed by photos of the beach that emerges during low tide. It’s quite a contrast!

As the day went on, the anchorage filled up, but it never felt crowded. Below are photos of the anchorage taken during the day and after dark.

From what we could tell, most of the boats around us had been chartered. I was learning that just because the cruising season was ending, it didn’t mean there wouldn’t be plenty of other boats. We were now entering peak season for yacht charters, and it showed. I just hoped the anchorages would always have room for us.

With the good weather forecast to continue, we planned to head four miles east to Chance Bay the following morning. Like Turtle Bay, it would have a white sand beach. But the main draw was a hiking path through bush forest that would take us to the biggest attraction in the Whitsundays, Whitehaven Beach! –Cyndi

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