No Tsunami Here! (Opua, Bay of Islands, New Zealand)

February 7, 2013

Yesterday, we got an email from our friend Tom warning us about an 8.0 earthquake in the Solomon Islands that it could generate a tsunami.  This was the first we heard of it.  Google quickly told us that it could effect our area and that there had been an alert issued.

Within an hour, the alert had turned to a warning and our area was included in that warning.  We were told we could see a 1 meter high wave (about three feet) at 6 or 7PM with strong surge for the following two to eight hours.  We added a few lines to the boat, warmed up the engine just in case it was needed, ate dinner and watched.  Nothing.

We decided early on that it was too far to go to get Legacy safely out to deep water if a tsunami came. Instead, we’d grab a few things and drive up the nearby hill.  Thankfully, it looked like it wouldn’t be necessary this time.  By about 9 PM, the warning was canceled and we slept well.  We never felt or saw anything.

This whole thing felt a little strange as we’d just seen the movie “The Impossible” a few days ago.  It’s an incredible movie about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.  If you haven’t seen it, put it on your list.  It’s very well done!  Now just a few days later, we were living with the possibility of a sequel, IRL (in real life)!  We’re sure glad that didn’t come to pass.  Our thanks to all of you who emailed with warnings and concern.  All’s well on Legacy and we’re continuing to enjoy life in New Zealand. -Rich

The Impossible movie.  Great.  Very well done.

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