Mobilis OPT Online Recharge
October 15, 2016
We’ve been buying 5,000 Franc Liberté cards at the gas station to recharge our mobile phone for internet time. We’re a long way from a gas station right now so I went hunting for a way to do it online. Here’s what I found…
It was easy! I used Google Translate to read the French pages but it was pretty self-explanatory. Enter the number and type of card you want (I used 5,000 cfp Liberté card), your email, mobile phone number and then it’ll ask for payment options. Enter your cc info and make sure you check the accept terms and conditions check box (I didn’t see that box when trying it from my phone – had to use the computer). They sent me a text and a couple of emails containing the 14 digit recharge code. After calling 1088, option 2, and entering that code, I was good to go.
Catch: If you don’t have internet, if you’ve already run out, you can’t do this.