March 13, 2013
The afternoon was warm and sunny as we motored into Waiti Bay, returning after fleeing windy conditions a few days earlier. I’d felt torn when we bypassed Whangaihe Bay on the mainland shore, but now I felt no regrets. This bay has a large crescent of white sand beach backed by pohutukawa trees, clear blue-green water, and the kind of grassy slopes that are wonderful for hiking with the reward of great views waiting at the top. With only two other boats in this large bay, it almost felt like having it to ourselves.
After lunch, our first destination was the beach. It was even lovelier than it had looked from the boat, with soft sand and warm water that was as clear as any water we’ve seen on our entire cruise. We walked down to the far end of the beach and discovered a swing hanging from a pohutukawa branch. After taking turns trying it out, we walked back across the beach to do today’s version of Legacy Boot Camp: hiking up the grassy hill. –Cyndi