Lunch with Bob McDavitt

July 20, 2016


We had a real treat today – Lunch with weather guru Bob McDavitt. Here’s been doing weather routing for us for about four years now and has helped us avoid some serious discomfort. His weather routing for us as been spot-on.

In all this time of emails back and forth, we’d never had the opportunity to meet him in person. We heard he’d be in our area and invited him to lunch. We promised each other we wouldn’t spend the whole time picking his brain for weather information but he’s so crammed full of knowledge, some couldn’t help but leak out!

Having met him in person now, we can say that his extreme talent is certinely rivaled by his good nature! Thanks Bob for all your help! -Rich and Cyndi

P.S. This picture appeared on his WeatherGram July 24, 2016. If you haven’t read Bob’s weekly publication, check it out here.

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