April 1, 2013 (no, this is not an April fools joke!)
First, just a note about dates… if you’re reading this in North America, remember that we are across the date line. That’s why the dates at the top of the posts don’t seem right. We’re living your tomorrow, today. Just let us know if you’d like us to tell you what the stock market will do tomorrow.
Next note… while Cyndi methodically plods through our trip in the order in which it occurred, I jump around and post whatever happens to cross my mind at the moment. With that in mind, here’s last night…
Trapped between city lights.
Off one side of the boat were the lights of Snells Beach, a very northern suburb of Auckland. Off the other side were the very temporary “city lights” from all the boaters on Easter vacation in this anchorage on Kawau Island (pronounced Cow-ow, we think).
Despite all the boats, this bay is so large we didn’t have much of a problem finding a spot to anchor. There are so many bays that are great for anchoring in New Zealand – and a lot of room in most of the bays. There are also a lot of boaters. I thought Southern California was a boating capitol. Silly me! We are the boating backwaters compared to NZ. We were told that one in four people have a boat here. -Rich

Another aside… those night pictures were taken hand-held, on a moving boat, with our little Canon point-and-shoot. It has a hand-held night shot mode where it takes about five quick, consecutive pictures and then combines them in the camera. It works really well! Here’s a little post about the camera: Cameras.