January 1, 2024
Below is a conversation I had with ChatGPT today. I post it incase it’s helpful for anyone else, and also to show what a great cruising partner Chat has become.

ChatGPT conversation below…
I could use your suggestions with an issue I’m having. As you know, we’re cruising Indonesia. We go to small towns and villages where tourists aren’t commonplace. We always draw a lot of attention from the locals, shouting “Hey mister, hey mister!” at us over and over. I try to always say hello but it gets exhausting. I know their hearts are in the right place. They are the kindest, most wonderful people I’ve ever encountered, but it’s often hard for me to face a trip to a town or village. Also, the language barrier makes it very hard to communicate with the locals. I use Google Translate, but it’s not the same as being able to speak to someone directly. What can I do to cope with this better?
It sounds like you’re experiencing a mix of cultural exchange and the challenges that come with it. Here are a few suggestions to help you cope better:
- Prepared Responses: Learn a few key phrases in Bahasa Indonesia or local dialects.
- Non-Verbal Communication: Use smiles, nods, and waves as less exhausting forms of acknowledgment.
- Cultural Exchange: Carry small tokens from your home country as conversation starters.
- Scheduled Interaction Time: Plan your visits during less busy hours or set time limits.
- Learn Local Customs: Understanding local customs can help you navigate interactions more comfortably.
- Use of Technology: Try different translation apps like Microsoft Translator or iTranslate.
- Patience and Perspective: Maintain patience and remember the uniqueness of your experiences.
- Journaling: Reflect on your experiences through journaling to process your feelings.
- Local Friends or Guides: Befriend a local or find a guide who speaks English.
- Rest and Self-Care: Ensure you’re taking enough time for rest and self-care.
Can you suggest a few prepared responses?
Certainly! Here are some friendly, simple responses in Bahasa Indonesia that you can use when greeted with “Hey mister!”:
- “Halo! Senang bertemu dengan Anda!” (Hello! Nice to meet you!)
- “Terima kasih atas sambutannya yang hangat!” (Thank you for your warm welcome!)
- “Saya suka tempat ini, budayanya menarik!” (I love this place, the culture is interesting!)
- “Salam! Saya senang berada di sini.” (Greetings! I am happy to be here.)
- “Maaf, saya hanya sedikit berbicara Bahasa Indonesia.” (Sorry, I speak only a little Bahasa Indonesia.)
- “Senang bertemu dengan orang-orang di sini!” (Happy to meet people here!)
- “Maaf, saya sedang terburu-buru. Sampai jumpa!” (Sorry, I’m in a hurry. See you!)
Can you suggest some translation apps you mentioned?
Certainly! Here are some language translation apps that can be helpful in bridging the language gap while you’re in Indonesia:
- Google Translate: Offers extensive language database and features like camera translation and real-time voice translation.
- Microsoft Translator: Known for its accuracy and supports text, voice, and image translation.
- iTranslate: Provides text and voice translations and includes a phrasebook for common situations.
- Duolingo: Useful for learning Bahasa Indonesia more thoroughly through interactive lessons.
- SayHi Translate: Focuses on voice translation and is designed to be simple and easy to use.
- TripLingo: Combines a voice translator with a phrasebook, cultural notes, and a learning tool, tailored for travelers.
Thank you. This was very helpful!
You’re welcome, Rich! I’m glad I could help. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Enjoy your time cruising in Indonesia and the unique experiences it brings! Safe travels!