From the Car: The Drive from Opua to Kerikeri (Bay of Islands, New Zealand)

(December 6, 2012 – March 5, 2013)

When I admire something, I like to get a photograph of it.  Often, I see things I admire as we are hurtling down the highway at a high rate of speed, with no way to stop or slow down.  I don’t let that stop me from taking a picture anyway.  This has led to many “discussions” as to the feasibility of pictures in motion.  Basically, I will whip out the camera and make the effort to get the shot while hearing, “What are you doing?  Why are you taking a picture?  That will never turn out!!

I can see the resulting photos on the back display of our digital camera and think some of these shots look pretty promising.  I’ll retort that am going to do a coffee table book entitled From the Car: Taking Professional-Quality Photographs from a Moving Vehicle, and that Rich will be laughing out of the other side of his face when I make a million dollars! He says he will be laughing out of both sides if I make a million dollars.

As it turns out; we’re both right.  Many of the shots I get turn out blurry or get blocked by the sudden intrusion of a telephone pole, fence post, tree, bush, hill, etc.  But sometimes I do get some decent pictures that will be nice reminders of the landscape here.  They won’t ever be in a coffee table book, but I can make them a recurring feature in our blog.  I will title these: From the Car: Taking Beautiful and Interesting Photographs While Being Implored to Quit Wasting Time – Those Will Never Turn Out!! -Cyndi







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