Northland Excursion: Fish and Chips in Mangonui (New Zealand)

December, 2012

We set on in the gray of yesterday to explore, our sights set on piloting our Audi land-yacht to Whangaroa.  Lou stopped us on the way out the parking lot and told us if we were going that far, we should go a little farther to Mangonui for the famous fish and chips.  We did.



The fish and chips were really good.  They come wrapped in lots of newsprint.  You have to buy the tarter sauce and ketchup (they call it tomato sauce here) separately.  It turns out we weren’t the only ones who liked the fish…



The fun didn’t last long as Ms. Scrooge came over and said, “We don’t feed the birds here!” She may not but apparently we do!  We grudgingly stopped and it was probably a good thing as the seagulls were getting a bit aggressive, almost flying in the open window in front of us. -Rich


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