First Impressions Lie (Especially at Night)

September 27, 2022

During nighttime passages, or even while anchored at night, I make it a policy to discard my first impressions. There’s been too many times when I’ve come into the cockpit and panicked over a unexpected boat’s light right next to us only to realize after a few seconds that I was actually worried about getting hit by Venus, or that really wasn’t a cruise ship bearing down on us but rather the rising full moon on the horizon.

I didn’t follow my own advice on a pitch black night a few days ago. I looked over the side of the boat and saw a huge, mysterious gray object (creature?) just below the surface of the water and right next to Legacy.

“What the hell!”

After the flood of adrenalin passed, I took a closer look.

It turns out I was terrified of our dinghy.


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