Final Days in Neiafu (Vava’u, Tonga)

November 12, 2012

We may not have been heading to New Zealand yet, but like the rest of the fleet we were preparing to leave Neiafu very soon. We had decided on Wednesday because it looked good for the overnight trip to the Ha’apai group of islands south of Vava’u. In that time, we did some provisioning, filled our propane and diesel tanks, extended our Tongan visa, and had one last pie night at the Balcony with our friends Bob and Linda from Bright Angel. We also went to visit the town doctor (the subject of the previous blog).

In spite of watching the vast majority of the fleet head off to New Zealand, we felt very relaxed and good about our decision to stay in Tonga awhile longer. For us, waiting was the right thing to do, and we looked forward to having some uncrowded anchorages as we headed into the southern islands. -Cyndi

Someone’s pet pig in Neiafu.
A local pet pig in Neiafu.
A visiting pig (bottom left stuffing his mouth with pie!).
A visiting pig (bottom left stuffing his mouth with pie!). (Comment by Rich.  Cyndi is too nice to say such a thing!)
Us with Bob and Linda from Bright Angel and Trish (from the Balcony).
Us with Bob and Linda from Bright Angel and Trish (from the Balcony).
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