Kioa Island: Kennedy Bay











This bay is at the north end of Kioa Island and is mostly uninhabited although there is one house there, right on its own little beach. We went mostly because it was a convenient stopping point between Dakuniba and Albert Cove, but we’d heard there’s some good snorkeling in the area. Unfortunately getting anchored was a nightmare. There are reefs and bombies and so much coral on the bottom it’s nearly impossible to get an anchor to set. The one place that looked most promising was right in front of the house on the beach, but we didn’t want to be rude.

The next morning the guy who owns the place came by in his boat, and hearing our tale, said we should have just anchored in front of his place. He was a nice guy, and we gave him a couple of gifts (breakfast crackers and a machete) just because it seemed like the thing to do, and he was overjoyed. In all, I would say this bay is not worth the effort in and of itself, but it can be a convenient stopping place in some cases. If you go, anchor in front of the little house, and it would be nice to have a gift for the guy as he’ll probably stop by on his way to or from fishing.

(No Sevusevu)

Below is a list of links to our Kennedy Bay posts in chronological order:

Kennedy Bay on Kioa Island
Morning Reflections