Daniel’s Bay (aka Baie de Taioa), Nuku Hiva (Marquesas)

June 12, 2012

Today we left Taiohae Bay and traveled west to one of Nuku Hiva’s most  beautiful anchorages, Daniel’s Bay. After winding into the bay’s entrance and dropping the anchor, it looked like we were landlocked in a small lake. This is where the trail to the world’s third highest waterfall starts. What an incredible hike! Pictures of that to follow. For now, here are some of the bay. -Rich

Food in Taiohae (Nuku Hiva, Marquesas)

June 8 – 12, 2012

Can you believe it?  We sail 3000 miles to a chain of tiny, remote, tropical islands and what do we do?  Eat pizza!

This was in Hiva Oa and what great pizza it was!  Three cheese pizza.  We’ve also been eating a lot of poisson cru – that’s raw fish in French.  It’s served coconut milk sauce with lots of great vegetables.   This is fine dining establishment (tent) where we’ve been getting our raw fish fix in Nuku Hiva…

And this is what it looks like when served with rice.
