Army Bay (complete with boot camp)

March 31, 2022

The weather was looking pretty good and we thought about staying out in the Bay of Islands for another day or two. Our first choice anchorage was full but Cyndi had a great Plan-B: Army Bay. It was beautiful and we mostly had it to ourselves.

One drawback was that there was still no internet. “OK, maybe just a lunch stop and head into Russell and the land of news, weather and sports!” We thought we might stay just long enough to grab a bite and for a quick drone flight. My second-ever drone crash changed that plan.

I was backing the drone up to try to get a better camera angle on the bay when its proximity sensors started beeping and flashing. I reacted too slowly to avoid a tree. I had little hope that we could retrieve the drone as the tree in question was quite a ways up a steep hill (I call it a cliff, but I’m prone to exaggeration). Cyndi seemed to have both determination and an abundance of optimism.

Below, a few pictures to enhance my embarrassment. The view from the base of the offending tree, me in the tree, and the location of the tree relative to the mountain.

We launched the dingy and set off for some involuntary hiking. Using a “find-my-drone” homing function, we were able to get very close. Eventually, after climbing part way up a tree, I spotted it, nestled happily in some branches. Shake, shake, shake, and now it was in the next tree down. I was able to climb part way up that tree and grab the runaway.

The drone’s view from its tree perch.

There were two factors that helped us decide to spend the night in Army Bay…

We were exhausted after mountain and tree climbing. Middle aged men shouldn’t do that stuff (What? I might live to be 128?!)

And the bay was beautiful. We could live without internet for another day (probably).


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