A Walk Down Onetahuti Beach (Abel Tasman National Park, New Zealand)

April 22, 2016

We landed our dinghy near the south headland, where we found green water and golden sand. The steep sides of the headland were covered with beautiful trees and tree ferns, while light sandstone rock formations were scattered in the emerald water at its base. This was definitely one of the more beautiful places we’ve seen.

The beautiful area near the base of the headland at Onetahuti Beach (Able Tasman National Park)
The beautiful area near the base of the headland at Onetahuti Beach (Able Tasman National Park)

The scenery changed as we walked down the beach, the headland hills giving way to grassy flat wetlands behind the beach. This beach was very long so we didn’t walk the entire thing, but I suspect we’d landed our dinghy in the prettiest area. When we got back to the dinghy, I really did not want to leave. We lingered awhile longer, but it looked like the wind might be coming up. Not wanting to be on a lee shore, we made the decision to head down to the next bay for the night.–Cyndi

Below, a gallery of photos of Onetahuti Beach. (Click to enlarge/scroll.)

Click for a larger version of this panorama of Onetahuti Beach, New Zealand.
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