A Tale of Three Masts

June 10, 2016


We’ve only seen two other boats with mast strips. (Here’s more about the stripes.) Legacy has the two blue stripes, Nehaj has the red stripe and Thélème has a bright blue mast.

Pure Chance

Now, three unique masts are together in Gisborne, after also being together in Nelson. With no prior planning, leaving at different times and none of us actually planning to go to Gisborne, we ended up in three adjacent berths here. There are actually four of us now from the F pontoon in Nelson, all lined up here. The forth is Campaign but his mast is just plain white.

Nehaj and Thélème have become great friends and between the two boats, there’s about a billion miles of sailing experience. They regale us of tails of sailing Alaska, Patagonia and huge non-stop passages. We thought we were pretty experienced and now we feel like it might be another ten years before we can even take off our training wheels!


Here’s last night’s improptu gathering: At the Gisborne Wine Center (a wonderful place) where the stories and wine flowed abundantly. -Rich

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