June 1, 2015 at Ilot Kouare, New Caledonia (don’t ask me how to pronounce it!)
If you don’t know the Crosby, Stills and Nash & Young song “The Lee Shore” you should. (Amazon link.) The huge lagoon we’re in makes us think of it.
From here to Venezuela,
there’s nothing more to see…
Than a hundred thousand islands,
flung like some jewels upon the sea
Within sight of our boat, there are 8 tiny islands, and far more that we can’t see, all jewels, scattered throughout New Caledonia’s south lagoon.
The HICTF meter will definitely be going up. (Don’t know what that is? Check out our post from a few days ago.)
When we get within internet range, we’ll add some pictures (this was posted via satellite and it’s too slow to post pictures). -Rich
And here they are…
Above: Six of the jewels within view of our anchorage.
Below: Kouare.

(By the way, does anyone know what the heck that word is that comes after the verse above? 😉 )