Savusavu Round Two (Savusavu, Vanua Levu, Fiji)

July 6 – July 22

For our second visit to Savusavu we’d decided to try staying at a slip in the Copra Shed Marina. There aren’t very many slips, but we were able to get one. This way we could fully charge our batteries and Rich could do some minor repairs.

The Copra Shed Marina turned out to be a great place to stay. We had to buy extension cords to reach an electrical outlet (through the window, in the mens bathroom), but once that was done we stayed charged up. It was so nice to have access to showers and instant access to shore. Plus the staff members were terrific.

One of my favorite things about the marina was its underwater life, especially the lionfish who often hung out near the ramp. We named him Wilbur, and we never came up or down the ramp without stopping to look for him.

I would have thought that Viani Bay was the most social place in this part of Fiji, but I’d have to change that to mid-season Savusavu. Everyone passes through here, and it’s not like someone has to make dinner or delve into their dwindling drink stores to entertain. In a town filled with numerous great (and cheap) eateries and a nice waterfront bar, it’s so easy to impulsively meet for a drinks or a meal, or simply run into friends eating in the same place you are. Aside from breakfasts, I’m not sure we had a meal by ourselves this entire period! Luckily we really liked (nearly) everybody who was in town! –Cyndi

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