Fawn Harbor


Generally the first destination out of Savusavu is Viani Bay, but Fawn Harbor is where you stop if you want to break up the trip or if the afternoon winds come up on your nose. You use waypoints to make your way in the pass through the reef, and then you came out to a large anchorage with lots of room and good holding.

Personally, I think this place is beautiful, reminiscent of French Polynesia, and would make an effort to visit! There’s a village onshore of 7th Day Adventists, but the coastline is all mangroves and would be difficult to access (although it’s possible if you’re determined). I will warn that while it’s easy to come in here in light conditions, it can kick up by the pass if it’s windy and I don’t think I’d attempt to enter or exit.

(Sevusevu Optional)

Below is a list of links to our Fawn Harbor posts in chronological order: 

Setting off for Viani Bay with a Stop in Fawn Harbor
Heading East With a Stop in Fawn Harbor